STP Calculator Profit Transfer

STP Calculator Profit Transfer


STP - Transferor Scheme : Mirae Asset Liquid Fund - Regular Plan - Growth

Initial Investment Amount STP Period No of Monthly Installments Total No. Units Remaining Total Amount Transferred Value as on 05-12-2024 Current Value as on 05-12-2024 Profit Returns (%)
1,000,000 05-12-2021 to 05-12-2024 37 379.79 216,681 1,000,000 1,000,000 216,681 5.43

STP - Transferee Scheme : Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund - Growth Plan

STP Period No of Monthly Installments Total No. Units Accumulated Total Amount Invested Value as on 05-12-2024 Current Value as on 05-12-2024 Profit Returns (%)
05-12-2021 to 05-12-2024 37 2,515.58 216,681 281,244 281,244 64,563 17.3

STP - Total Returns:

Total Investment Amount Total Current Value Total Profit Total Returns (%)
1,000,000 1,281,244 281,244 6.39

Mirae Asset Liquid Fund - Regular Plan - Growth

Nav Date Nav Units Cumulative Units Net Amount Profit Transfer Capital Gain/Loss
(Profit Transfer)
No. of Days
Current Value
06-12-2020 2122.2595 471.1959 471.1959 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000
05-12-2021 2191.8921 14.9691 456.2268 1,032,811 -32,811 1,042.34 364 1,000,000
05-01-2022 2198.3466 1.3395 454.8873 1,002,945 -2,945 101.92 395 1,000,000
06-02-2022 2204.6152 1.2934 453.5939 1,002,852 -2,852 106.52 427 1,000,000
06-03-2022 2210.5865 1.2253 452.3686 1,002,709 -2,709 108.22 455 1,000,000
05-04-2022 2217.631 1.437 450.9316 1,003,187 -3,187 137.05 485 1,000,000
05-05-2022 2223.2061 1.1308 449.8009 1,002,514 -2,514 114.15 515 1,000,000
05-06-2022 2231.4904 1.6699 448.131 1,003,726 -3,726 182.4 546 1,000,000
05-07-2022 2240.2236 1.747 446.384 1,003,914 -3,914 206.08 576 1,000,000
05-08-2022 2249.018 1.7455 444.6385 1,003,926 -3,926 221.26 607 1,000,000
05-09-2022 2259.4162 2.0463 442.5922 1,004,623 -4,623 280.66 638 1,000,000
05-10-2022 2269.4872 1.964 440.6282 1,004,457 -4,457 289.16 668 1,000,000
06-11-2022 2280.9348 2.2114 438.4167 1,005,044 -5,044 350.9 700 1,000,000
05-12-2022 2292.4601 2.2041 436.2126 1,005,053 -5,053 375.14 729 1,000,000
05-01-2023 2305.6691 2.499 433.7136 1,005,762 -5,762 458.35 760 1,000,000
05-02-2023 2317.7817 2.2666 431.447 1,005,253 -5,253 443.16 791 1,000,000
05-03-2023 2328.9198 2.0634 429.3836 1,004,806 -4,806 426.42 819 1,000,000
05-04-2023 2344.0437 2.7704 426.6132 1,006,494 -6,494 614.43 850 1,000,000
07-05-2023 2357.912 2.5092 424.104 1,005,916 -5,916 591.29 882 1,000,000
05-06-2023 2371.192 2.3752 421.7288 1,005,632 -5,632 591.27 911 1,000,000
05-07-2023 2384.193 2.2997 419.4291 1,005,483 -5,483 602.36 941 1,000,000
06-08-2023 2398.1758 2.4455 416.9836 1,005,865 -5,865 674.76 973 1,000,000
05-09-2023 2411.2054 2.2533 414.7303 1,005,433 -5,433 651.08 1,003 1,000,000
05-10-2023 2424.7988 2.325 412.4054 1,005,638 -5,638 703.4 1,033 1,000,000
05-11-2023 2438.5698 2.3289 410.0764 1,005,679 -5,679 736.66 1,064 1,000,000
05-12-2023 2452.2322 2.2847 407.7917 1,005,603 -5,603 753.89 1,094 1,000,000
05-01-2024 2467.6954 2.5553 405.2364 1,006,306 -6,306 882.7 1,125 1,000,000
05-02-2024 2482.1815 2.365 402.8714 1,005,870 -5,870 851.21 1,156 1,000,000
05-03-2024 2496.6827 2.34 400.5315 1,005,842 -5,842 876.13 1,185 1,000,000
05-04-2024 2513.812 2.7293 397.8022 1,006,861 -6,861 1,068.65 1,216 1,000,000
05-05-2024 2528.1952 2.2631 395.5391 1,005,722 -5,722 918.69 1,246 1,000,000
05-06-2024 2543.1888 2.3319 393.2071 1,005,931 -5,931 981.58 1,277 1,000,000
05-07-2024 2558.1205 2.2951 390.912 1,005,871 -5,871 1,000.36 1,307 1,000,000
05-08-2024 2573.1131 2.2777 388.6343 1,005,861 -5,861 1,026.91 1,338 1,000,000
05-09-2024 2587.9611 2.2297 386.4046 1,005,770 -5,770 1,038.39 1,369 1,000,000
05-10-2024 2603.4506 2.299 384.1056 1,005,985 -5,985 1,106.24 1,399 1,000,000
05-11-2024 2618.505 2.2083 381.8973 1,005,782 -5,782 1,095.87 1,430 1,000,000
05-12-2024 2633.0538 2.1102 379.7872 1,005,556 -5,556 1,077.85 1,460 1,000,000

Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund - Growth Plan

Nav Date Nav Units Cumulative Units Cash Flow Amount Current Value
06-12-2021 76.452 429.166 429.166 32,811 32,811 32,811
05-01-2022 81.024 36.3438 465.5097 2,945 35,755 37,717
07-02-2022 77.921 36.5948 502.1046 2,852 38,607 39,124
07-03-2022 70.825 38.2428 540.3473 2,709 41,315 38,270
05-04-2022 79.391 40.1394 580.4868 3,187 44,502 46,085
05-05-2022 74.143 33.9073 614.3941 2,514 47,016 45,553
06-06-2022 73.781 50.5047 664.8988 3,726 50,742 49,057
05-07-2022 71.553 54.6954 719.5941 3,914 54,656 51,489
05-08-2022 77.411 50.7122 770.3063 3,926 58,582 59,630
05-09-2022 78.66 58.7775 829.0838 4,623 63,205 65,216
06-10-2022 77.92 57.2041 886.288 4,457 67,662 69,060
07-11-2022 80.676 62.5234 948.8113 5,044 72,707 76,546
05-12-2022 82.937 60.9244 1,009.7357 5,053 77,759 83,744
05-01-2023 79.993 72.0305 1,081.7661 5,762 83,521 86,534
06-02-2023 78.809 66.6599 1,148.426 5,253 88,775 90,506
06-03-2023 78.426 61.2743 1,209.7004 4,806 93,580 94,872
05-04-2023 77.572 83.7152 1,293.4156 6,494 100,074 100,333
05-05-2023 79.481 74.4379 1,367.8535 5,916 105,991 108,718
05-06-2023 82.153 68.5563 1,436.4097 5,632 111,623 118,005
05-07-2023 85.052 64.4652 1,500.8749 5,483 117,106 127,652
07-08-2023 87.16 67.2877 1,568.1626 5,865 122,970 136,681
05-09-2023 87.896 61.8132 1,629.9758 5,433 128,404 143,268
05-10-2023 87.428 64.4827 1,694.4585 5,638 134,041 148,143
06-11-2023 86.356 65.7654 1,760.2239 5,679 139,720 152,006
05-12-2023 92.42 60.6214 1,820.8452 5,603 145,323 168,283
05-01-2024 94.977 66.3925 1,887.2378 6,306 151,629 179,244
05-02-2024 94.103 62.3816 1,949.6194 5,870 157,499 183,465
05-03-2024 96.659 60.4405 2,010.0599 5,842 163,341 194,290
05-04-2024 97.589 70.3032 2,080.3631 6,861 170,202 203,021
06-05-2024 97.888 58.4512 2,138.8143 5,722 175,924 209,364
05-06-2024 99.398 59.6647 2,198.4791 5,931 181,854 218,524
05-07-2024 108.141 54.2926 2,252.7716 5,871 187,725 243,617
05-08-2024 107.218 54.6623 2,307.434 5,861 193,586 247,398
05-09-2024 113.019 51.0573 2,358.4912 5,770 199,357 266,554
07-10-2024 110.758 54.0387 2,412.5299 5,985 205,342 267,207
05-11-2024 108.387 53.3503 2,465.8802 5,782 211,124 267,269
05-12-2024 111.801 49.6968 2,515.5769 5,556 216,681 281,244

Disclaimer: We have gathered all the data, information, statistics from the sources believed to be highly reliable and true. All necessary precautions have been taken to avoid any error, lapse or insufficiency; however, no representations or warranties are made (express or implied) as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of such information. We cannot be held liable for any loss arising directly or indirectly from the use of, or any action taken in on, any information appearing herein. The user is advised to verify the contents of the report independently.

Returns less than 1 year are in absolute (%) and greater than 1 year are compounded annualised (CAGR %). SIP returns are shown in XIRR (%).

The Risk Level of any of the schemes must always be commensurate with the risk profile, investment objective or financial goals of the investor concerned. Mutual Fund Distributors (MFDs) or Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) should assess the risk profile and investment needs of individual investors into consideration and make scheme(s) or asset allocation recommendations accordingly.

Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully. Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Investors should always invest according to their risk profile and consult with their mutual fund distributors or financial advisor before investing.