About Us

Why Fortuna Conect Wealth Private Limited:

Our primary job has been to render personalized service to our Clients by understanding his or her specific financial goals in life and help them achieve those goals.. Here we understand the needs and wants of investors through financial analysis and suggest appropriate solutions based on their objectives and goals and educating them of the future requirements which can be unseen with hectic day-to-day work.

We take pride in the fact that we are managing assets of more than 100+ Crores Rs. asset under management (AUM) and we enjoy the trust and confidence of more than 1200+ satisfied investors who would testify the growth of their assets under our care. Over the years, we have seen people with diverse goals - like planning for a child's higher education, wedding, buy a house or even planning for retirement. In short people have been our wealth and we manage the wealth of our assets, i.e. our clients and hence we are better known as the "Fortuna Conect Wealth Private Limited".